Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Beltsville, Md
Ok, so I'm a bad blogger. A very, very bad blogger. And a bad walker. And here I go, trying to get back on track! So, at mile 131, we find ourselves in Beltsville, Md. Home to the largest agricultural research complex in the world: The Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center.
It's been around for 100 years, and in that time it has been the site of some major breakthroughs, including:
-proving that dairy cows and beef cows are the same animal. I have no idea how this was ever in question, but there you go.
-proving that refrigerating pork reduces the chance of catching a parasite from it. Again, this seems kind of obvious, albeit a little less so than the discovery that cows are cows.
-major changes in the process of making butter that increased its shelf life.
-developing a smaller turkey with more breast meat. You probably ate one of its descendants last month for Thanksgiving.
-inventing the Beltsville Aerated Pile Method for composting sewage sludge. Apparently it's very well regarded in the sewage treatment world.
-introducing New Guinea Impatiens to the 99.997% of the world that doesn't live in New Guinea. Possibly less important to humanity than the sewage treatment thing, but definitely more attractive.
miles walked: 131
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The journey of a thousand miles and all that jazz
Chinese philospher Lao Tzu said the famous quote above about the journey of a thousand miles. Since then it's been immortalized on a bunch of sappy motivational posters and greeting cards (see above). Those posters in turn were satirized hilariously on the one above titled "Ambition." It sounds pretty profound until you think about it and realize it basically amounts to "You gotta start somewhere."
Anyway, how about a journey of 5000 miles? The other night, I couldn't sleep, and I did a very stupid thing. I looked up the whole American Discovery Trail and estimated how long it will take me, if I keep up about 2 miles a day, to get all the way to the end of this walk across America. Are you ready for this? Seven years. By the time my virtual self stands on the beach at Limantour, California, my daughter will be 22. I will be pushing 50. Damn. Gives a whole new meaning to "it's the journey, not the destination."
So, I thought, let's see how long it will take to get me out of freaking Maryland. (I will be passing through part of DC soon but then back into Maryland, so that doesn't really count.) It will be a real milestone to finally walk far enough to get out of my home state. Turns out that will happen sometime in August. Then I thought, let's see where I'll be by Christmas! The answer: just reaching Ohio. Getting a little discouraged, I decided to see where I'll be this time next year. And the answer to that is.......still somewhere in Ohio.
So my goal is to reach the end of this walk before I turn 50. That sounded miserably long but then I thought about the fact that around this time in 2001, I decided to change careers, get out of social work and become a doctor. This involved completing a program to do my med school prerequisites, getting into and through medical school, then getting into and through residency. When you add up all the time that stuff all takes - 11 years. And one month from now I will start year 10 of that 11 year plan. So, it may take a while, but Limantour, California here I come!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Today we find ourselves in Bowie, Maryland, to enjoy a Saturday ballgame. That would be the Bowie Baysox, the minor league AA affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles. The team was started in 1993 and the name was chosen by a contest - other finalists included the "Baybirds" and the "Nationals." They made it to the playoffs in 1993, 1994, 1997 and 2008. Notable alumni of the Baysox include Armando Benitez, closer for the SF Giants, Eric Bedard, pitcher for the Seattle Mariners, Nick Markakis, outfielder for the Baltimore Orioles, and Sidney Ponson, starting pitcher for the Kansas City Royals. I say they are notable because I've actually heard of them, which given my tepid level of interest in pro baseball can only mean one of two things: they are or were an Oriole, or they're actually famous. Actually, reviewing the list, I think those were all Orioles at some point. But hey, Sidney Ponson was knighted by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, so that clearly proves he's notable.
The mascot of the Baysox is "Louie," a large green furry thing with pink hair. His species is unknown but he looks pretty friendly. General admission tickets are only $9 and parking is free! Chowder was happy to see that the stadium is apparently dog friendly. Unfortunately, the Baysox lost 6-2 to the New Hampshire Fisher Cats. Their record for the season stands at 20-22.
miles walked: 119
Monday, May 10, 2010
Parole, Maryland
Our next stop is on the way out of Annapolis, in the little town/area of Parole. When I was a child, its main claim to fame was that it was the posh area to shop near Annapolis. In 1961, ground was broken for the Parole Plaza, an open air mall anchored by a Sears store. It's hard to believe from the pictures above, taken after the shopping center was abandoned and before it was torn down to be redeveloped as yet another mall, but it was a shopping destination. Before it was built, people had to go to Baltimore or Washington DC for large department stores. This was just before enclosed shopping malls were developed, so Parole Plaza was built around a grassy center courtyard, and you walked from store to store outside. Parole Plaza was blamed for killing the shopping district in downtown Annapolis, and in a bit of poetic justice, the Annapolis Mall that was built in later years did the same thing to Parole Plaza. By the 1990s it had fallen on hard times, and now it's gone.
The area is named for Camp Parole, where prisoners of war were held during the Civil War. Union soldiers who had been captured in the South were held there while corresponding Confederate prisoners were exchanged for them. Once the exchanging was done, they were sent back to their homes or their former regiments. Below is a letter which one of the prisoners sent to his hometown newspaper in Indianapolis:
Parole Camp, Annapolis, MD.,
February 8, 1863.
Editor Journal: After wandering over the bounds of this camp to the Bay Shore and back again this beautiful Sabbath day, to retire to my tent with my fellow comrades, I feel a degree of languor that almost subsides into a stupidity and carelessness which is not common but wrong for a soldier. How can we be composed , how can we divest ourselves of the great melancholy that pervades us.—The last day of the year 1862 hundreds of us were compelled to surrender as prisoners of war before Murfreesboro, Tenn. As fast as possible we were paroled, placed in cars upon the railroad for Chattanooga and informed by the Confederate officers having us in charge that our final destination was Vicksburg, Miss. The railroad communication was so damaged that our transportation was not only very expensive, but quite circuitous. Some of the points we made were Atlanta, Georgia, through North Carolina, Montgomery Alabama, to the State of Florida, to a city wearing the name of Pollard. Here an officer in charge received a dispatch from the authorities to return to Richmond, Va., which was done, and in an almost starving and naked condition we were introduced to our lodgings in Richmond, to-wit: Castle Thunder, on the 18th of January. After two weeks of a stay and short rations of bread and soup we were stripped of the remnant of our little extras, placed on cars, taken to City Point on board the steamers New York and Express and, by way of Fortress Monroe, we arrived at this old city.
The weather has been very unfavorable for remaining without shelter. But so many of us have been thrown here at one time that we have been compelled to remain out of doors, exposed to snow storms, pelting rains, and piercing winds, without clothes to keep us warm; but it was a military necessity and was complied with. But fortune and the government have at last favored us. It is not only amusing but interesting to see the boys this warm, pleasant day passing about completely enveloped in new suits who, three days since, were passing around or shivering about the poor camp fires in tatters and rags dodging snow and rain.
Various are the private letters and petitions that have been directed to Governor Morton for his aid, assistance and influence for our removal to Camp Morton. We are all soldiers in the Army of the Cumberland. We have long undergone the privations incident to the army almost without a murmur. Unfortunately for a while we are compelled to lay down our arms, and why not let us be in our own State during the interval. We are ready and willing at any time for an exchange that will return us again to our regiments, but as with the voice of one man we cry for home (several hundred of us); if we fail in this, as we all now fully contemplate we will not, I fear it may result in a dissatisfaction among and with us. None doubt but that we will all soon seen Indianapolis; all are loud in the praise of our noble Governor, who has already won our favor by his kindness manifested towards Indiana soldiers, and for his patriotism in the cause in which we are engaged and have left our homes and risked our lives to sustain.
There are thousands of troops here from every loyal or half loyal State in the Union; some very hard boys and some very good.—There is plenty of everything to sell to satisfy the cravings of appetite and clothing to decorate the bodies of us soldiers, and very cheap; but very unfortunately the boys are out of money, and we are enjoying ourselves entirely at Uncle Sam’s expense. It is quite cheap living. We have some sickness among us, and rumors of smallpox among us brought from Richmond.
Yours truly,
Masten Dashiel
miles walked to date: 101
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Annapolis - little city by the bay
Okay, after far too long a break, I'm getting back on the trail. Blame a bout of depression, plus a broken hand and 80 hour work weeks - whatever, I'm back. I have been doing some walking in the interim, since Chowder still has to poop, and am around mile 154 on the trail. But I'll be blogging all the places we missed during my funk.
So today, we find ourselves in Annapolis, the state capitol of Maryland. Now, two-thirds of my readership (ie my mom and my sister) used to give guided history tours of Annapolis, and they know WAY more about the place than me. So apologies in advance for any inaccuracies to follow. I blame wikipedia.
Annapolis was founded in 1649 by a bunch of Puritans from Virginia, and went through several names in its early years: Town at Proctor's, Town at the Severn, and Anne Arundel's town. It was finally named Annapolis after Princess Anne of England in 1694, when it became the capitol of the colony of Maryland. It briefly served as the capitol of the US in 1783-1784.
One of the loveliest parts of Annapolis is its city dock, right in the historic district. On beautiful days like today, the water is filled with sailboats, and the streets with people strolling around enjoying the view and the shops and restaurants. There is a memorial to Kunta Kinte and Alex Haley, commemorating the actual place where Haley's famous ancestor arrived in America. A few blocks away are State Circle, with the state house at its center, and Church Circle, which encloses St. Anne's church. St. Anne's is an Episcopal church that was the first house of worship in Annapolis. It was built in 1792, but that was 3 churches ago, and the structure that stands there now was built in 1858. The original structure was uncharitably referred to by contemporaries as more of a barn than a church, so I guess no gem of historic architecture was lost.
Annapolis has a lot of surviving buildings from the 1700s. If you like colonial history, this is your town - sort of like Williamsburg Virginia, without all the hype. There's the William Paca House and Gardens (shown above, home to a signer of the Declaration of Independence) and the Hammond-Harwood House ("arguably one of the most exquisite houses remaining from the Colonial Period in America"). Annapolis is also home to the US Naval Academy.
Miles walked: 99
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